Posted in Plastic Surgery
A fun new promotion from Mentor breast implants has just been brought to my attention. For a limited time, between September 28, 2009 and December 31, 2009, patients who choose Mentor MemoryGel® silicone breast implants for their augmentation can receive a complimentary Lolita strapless bra from Le Mystère No.9 lingerie. This is Le Mystere’s #1 selling bra, regularly retailing for $76.00.
The Le Mystère No. 9 collection is the first collection of patented designer bras designed to address the unique changes in shape and size that occur after a breast augmentation.
To receive this limited-time promotion, you must download and complete this form after your surgery. Then send the form via mail or fax to Le Mystère. All forms must be postmarked or received by Le Mystère by December 31, 2009.
Read more about this exclusive offer on Mentor’s, and enjoy your “free gift with purchase!”

Dr. Carolyn Chang, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted by Dr. Carolyn Chang San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted in Health and Beauty, Plastic Surgery
I was recently interviewed by the medical writer for the Southern Marin Mothers’ Club about the “Mommy Makeover.” I’ve included an excerpt of the feature below. The article was featured in the organization’s September newsletter and is full of useful and practical information. You’ll find link to Part 2 of this article at the bottom of the page.
Feeling Good and Looking Good: Part 1
Mommy Makeover Surgery: A conversation with plastic surgeon, Dr. Carolyn Chang
Being pregnant and becoming a mom are among the greatest experiences in life –however for many mom’s, the toll pregnancy takes on their bodies is a badge that they don’t want to wear forever. With the growing trend among mom’s to seek “mommy makeover” surgery, I spoke to San Francisco’s mommy makeover expert Dr. Carolyn Chang, a leading plastic surgeon and Vice Chair of Plastic Surgery at California Pacific Hospital, to understand more about why moms are having surgery, what they’re having done, and what considerations a mom should have before embarking on surgery.
What’s behind the recent trend of “mommy makeovers”?
Many women are waiting longer to have children, and their bodies are simply not able to snap back, particularly if they have had several pregnancies or multiples, which can really take a toll on the belly. I also think that because of the increased exposure of plastic surgery in the popular media, more women are aware of it as a possibility to explore.
Who do you believe is the ideal candidate for mommy makeover surgery?
Any mother who is feeling self conscious about her body after pregnancy is a candidate, however surgery should only be reserved for those who have such profound changes that diet and exercise cannot reverse. And she should never contemplate surgery unless she is at a stable, healthy, and sustainable weight.
What are the most common types of surgery that moms are getting?
A mommy makeover surgery usually combines some type of body contouring like a tummy tuck or liposuction with breast surgery to bring the body back to pre pregnancy shape. As a result of pregnancy over stretching of the abdominal tissues can cause separation of the abdominal muscles that support the abdominal wall. The result may make a woman look and feel like she is falling out” in the front. Some patients tell me that people still ask them if they are pregnant years after they have delivered!
Many mom’s also notice that their breasts have changed after their pregnancies and breast feeding — most often that they have shrunk and sagged. In other cases, they have stayed persistently too large and heavy. Women who experience any of these symptoms in their breasts or abdomen are usually candidates for a mommy makeover.
(Click here for Part 2 of The Mommy Makeover article)
For more information on the Southern Marin Mothers’ Club visit:
Dr. Carolyn Chang, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted by Dr. Carolyn Chang San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted in Health and Beauty, Plastic Surgery
My Mommy Makeover conversation with the Southern Marin Mothers Club continues below.
(Click here to read Part 1 of the Mommy Makeover article)
Feeling Good and Looking Good: Part 2
Mommy Makeover Surgery: A conversation with plastic surgeon, Dr. Carolyn Chang
Can you describe the procedures that most women are including in a mommy makeover?
- Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)
The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is the mainstay of the mommy makeover. This procedure is designed to tighten the abdominal wall by repairing and realigning the abdominal muscles and removing any excess skin and fat that may have persisted after pregnancy. The scar that is created for this procedure most often extends hip to hip. This scar can be customized in its position, so it can easily be hidden under most bikini bottoms. Patients are often worried that this type of surgery is especially hard to recover from. I find that using a temporary implantable pain pump really helps to minimize the discomfort after surgery.
What’s important about this procedure is my patients not only look better afterwards, but they often feel better as well, because the abdominal muscles are realigned, the back is stabilized and straightened, thereby relieving the lower back pain that a lot of mothers feel.
- Liposuction
The general rule of thumb is that the places where your body collected fat before you had children will be the places where it will continue to deposit afterwards — and often to an even larger degree. A common request among moms is to reduce the love handles, also called the flanks, through liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck. In this way, the entire torso area can be slimmed and sculpted. Other common areas that respond well to liposuction include the outer and inner thighs and the upper arms.
- Breast Augmentation
During pregnancy, the breasts engorge due to hormonal changes in preparation for breast feeding. Afterwards, as the milk production diminishes, many women actually notice that their breasts become even smaller than they were pre-pregnancy. This is because the breast tissue actually shrinks. Breast augmentation is a procedure that uses silicone or saline breast implants to enlarge the breast tissue again and restore that youthful fullness.
- Breast Lift (mastopexy)
For some women, the swelling of the breasts results in overstretching of the skin, and afterwards, sagging breasts. Implants can help in some of these cases. But in the most severe, the nipple position is so low on the chest that an implant alone cannot fix the problem. For these mothers a breast lift, or mastopexy, is the answer. A mastopexy re-centers the nipple on the breast mound and ‘lifts” the entire breast so that it is rounder in shape again. A mastopexy can be performed alone or with an augmentation.
There are many ways to perform a mastopexy, and unfortunately, all result in some external scarring. To minimize this, my preferred technique is that of a shorter lollipop scar.
- Breast Reduction
For those mothers whose breast tissue actually got larger after pregnancy, a breast reduction is available to relieve the weight and reshape the breasts to a more youthful contour. Like the mastopexy, my preferred method when possible is through the shorter lollipop type scar, as opposed to the old-fashioned anchor type scar. Not only is the scar shorter with the lollipop technique, but the shape tends to be rounder and perkier.
Beyond questions specific to surgery, what are the most common questions that mothers ask you about a mommy makeover?
How much time will I need for recovery?
Depending upon the selected procedures, recovery generally takes about a week or two. I insist that my mothers get reliable help for their children during this time period. I want them to take the time to rest and recover. Mothers can feel guilty about taking time away from their children, but they shouldn’t lose sight of the importance of doing something for themselves as well.
How do I explain this to my children?
Mothers with young children are afraid of frightening them, and mothers with older children, particularly girls, are afraid of encouraging unhealthy body image issues. In general, I have found that reassurance without going into too much detail works well with the younger children, and a frank conversation works with the older children. A mommy makeover is reconstructive in nature, so it is not difficult to explain the motivations to have it done to a teenager.
When is the right time to have surgery?
My response is always the same, “It’s when you’re ready.” Which means you have worked as hard as you can to get your body back into shape naturally. It also means that you are mentally ready and 100 percent committed to having a procedure. You should have planned this carefully with your family to insure that they are onboard. And finally you should do your homework to seek referrals to plastic surgeons from your doctor and word of mouth referrals from family and friends, and select a board- certified plastic surgeon with whom you are confident.
A little trepidation is normal, however being prepared will insure that you will have a successful result and recovery, and a more satisfying overall experience.

For more information on the Southern Marin Mothers’ Club visit:
Dr. Carolyn Chang, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted by Dr. Carolyn Chang San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted in Lifestyle, Plastic Surgery
We can’t help but read the gossip magazines, or at least flip through them – our secret guilty pleasure. And even the ones we don’t read, we sneak a peek at when leaving the grocery checkout counter…
So what’s the latest gossip coming from the celebrity plastic surgery world? Victoria Beckham’s breast reduction! Rumor has it that she is so intent to be on the cover of Vogue magazine that she had her breasts downsized to increase her odds of landing the cover. Vogue’s editor, Anna Wintour, said she would consider putting Victoria on the cover, but told her she had to get her breasts looking better. Beckham recently had her surgery in France to downgrade from a 34DD cup to a B cup.

Victoria Beckham prior to her capsulectomy
So what’s the real scoop?
Victoria likely had a procedure called a capsulectomy, or a removal of the scar tissue surrounding the implants, with an implant exchanged to a smaller size. Victoria’s breasts were not only larger before, but they were also encapsulated, or hardened. This hardening occurs when the natural scar tissue that forms around any breast implant in the body thickens and contracts. The result is that the breasts look high, round, and unnatural. We’ve definitely seen plenty of evidence of this phenomenon in the pages of US Weekly.
Capsular contracture can occur in various degrees, from mild to severe. Mild encapsulation may be evident only as a slight firmness in the feeling of the implants, with minimal cosmetic consequence. More severe degrees can result in distortion of the breasts, and even pain in some cases. Long term untreated severe encapsulation is associated with a higher rate of implant rupture, and mammography in these patients is less reliable. For these health reasons, in addition to the undesirable cosmetic consequences, many patients may want to replace their encapsulated implants.
Luckily, most breast implants do not encapsulate to a severe degree, and there are various preventative measures that one can take, such as breast implant massage. Your surgeon should provide you with instruction as to how to best prevent encapsulation.
In the meantime, Victoria looks great. Her breasts are much more natural looking. I think they complement her figure nicely. Ms. Wintour should take note – only time will tell…
Dr. Carolyn Chang, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted by Dr. Carolyn Chang San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted in Plastic Surgery
In a city that prides itself in being “au natural”, under the surface San Francisco is transforming itself – literally. Statistics show that San Francisco, not Los Angeles, leads the nation as the city where the most cosmetic surgery is performed!
I was interviewed by the very hip 944 Magazine recently about what’s driving the trend, and how the best kept secret in San Francisco is being held undercover.
FYI, the findings were arrived through per capita statistics provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy for Cosmetic Dentistry.
View the article in its entirety at 944 Magazine, and coverage of the story in Men’s Health Magazine.
Dr. Carolyn Chang, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon
Posted by Dr. Carolyn Chang San Francisco Plastic Surgeon